My passion for the public relations industry extends beyond my
day-to-day tasks through my involvement in the Public Relations Society
of America on the local and national levels.
PRSA New Professionals Section, national level
This is my second year serving on the PRSA New Professionals Section
executive committee, and my key objective has been to identify industry
leaders who can effectively share their expertise with Section members
on relevant topics.
2010 Director of Professional Development/Chair-elect
2009 Programming Chair
Programs I have organized and moderated for PRSA include:
New Professionals, How to Position Yourself to Get Your Dream Job webinar with
Heather Huhman
Navigating The Terrain of Your First Professional Years: How to Generate Opportunity and Avoid Mistakes teleseminar with
Mary Beth West, APR
The Insider's Guide to Becoming a Local Media Expert teleseminar with
Cindy W. Morrison
Personal Branding 2.0 teleseminar with
Hajj Flemings
PRSA Central Michigan Chapter, Lansing, Michigan
I was asked to serve on the Board of my local PRSA chapter in two chair positions.
PACE Awards Co-Chair
Led the team that planned mid-Michigan’s post prestigious awards
ceremony recognizing 30 campaigns and tactics, and earning $6,600 net
profit for the chapter
State Conference Chair
Represented the Central Michigan Chapter on the planning committee for
the PRSA 2010 Michigan Conference, recruiting sponsors and attendees
from the Lansing area earning nearly $800 in profit for the chapter, a
portion of the entire conference net profit
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